Proiecte eTwinning

Școala Gimnazială SAVA POPOVICI BARCIANU Rășinari este Școală eTwinning în anul școlar 2021 - 2022.

Proiecte eTwinning active

01. 10. 2020

Activitățile online în cadrul proiectelor eTwinning continuă și în anul școlar 2020 - 2021.
1. C.L.A.S.S.
2. Are we so different?
3. From STEM to STEAM: Simply science experiments that fizz!
4. Let`s get to know our European cities
5. We are S.A.F.E. together
6. Happy child in a happy school
7. Keep growing! Welcome to our secondary school garden!...

Proiecte încheiate cu succes:

Applied Mathematical Modelling 

Are we really different?

Carte postales d`Europe


Face to face

Four Seasons in Europe

From Winter to Spring - understanding seasons

Green schools

Here and there

I learn by doing, by living

Language day - art project

Let`s celebrate the European Day of Languages together

My journal book

Okul aile isbirligiyle egitimde inovasyon

Past, present and future of my Europe

Project diary - we are less if we don`t include everyone

Regional traditions - our heritage

Take your pass to the future

The colorful world of Math

The Magic of PI

Worth to remember: local traditions 

Multilateral Seminar ~Developing Skills through Students Involvement in eTwinning projects~

Bucharest, 11 - 13 October 2019

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